速報APP / 娛樂 / Origami Boat

Origami Boat





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Origami Boat(圖1)-速報App

With a Origami paper you can create origami like animals, dragons, birds, flowers, ships, cars, boxes, geometric shapes and much more.

By checking our Origami Boat application You can make origami not only for yourself but also for gifting to your relatives and friends. Such a gift will be precious and special because you have invested in it your efforts and made it with love.

Hopefully this Origami Boat application can be useful for you.

::: Features of the application ::::

❤ A hundred pictures of Origami Boat.

❤ Updated monthly with new Origami Boat images.

Origami Boat(圖2)-速報App

❤ Share Origami Boat images you like using Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

❤ Zoom in, zoom out for all images.

❤ Quickly scroll through images.

❤ You can save all pictures to SD card or cloud storage accounts.

❤ You can share all images to others.

❤ You can set all pictures as wallpaper.

Origami Boat(圖3)-速報App

❤ Easy to use: press menu to save, share, and set as wallpaper.